
If I could bring one thing back, it would be the ice cream!

Wow! It's amazing that my month here is almost over! Today was our last day of classes - I ended up with a high grade - "Muy Bueno" (Translation: Really good) which made me feel happy. We had our final exam Wednesday and our final presentation today, and all went well. We had to do an oral presentation for the other class about tourism in Missouri. Everyone was very entertained that we were from Springfield, because that is the home of the Simpsons. They were also surprised to find out that most states have a city named Springfield. After school, we went to a cafe and had tea and desserts with one of our professors and a few students. It was pretty entertaining, because there were people there speaking German, English, Spanish, Dutch, and probably more languages that I didn't hear. They were surprised that in Arkansas it's legal to marry a sibling, and that it is illegal to gamble on land in the U.S. (save Las Vegas). I guess that is pretty weird...

I am looking forward to coming home where I won't get catcalled any more! It's worse when I'm walking with Melissa because she has blond hair and blue eyes, which is a real rarity. She has been applauded, whistled at, and even bowed down to in the street - and many other things. Mostly people just stare. Also, I am looking forward to clean air. The air hear is super polluted and pretty much everyone smokes here. The cigarette packages are funny because they say in huge black block letters "These cigarettes are killing you" (only in Spanish) in letters that take up half of the front of the box. That made me laugh the first time I saw it! I guess it doesn't really change anyone's minds though.

I am happy to say that my cold/flu is almost over - although I did have a fever Monday and Tuesday. But the weather has been much dryer and warmer these last few days, which has helped a lot. We've actually been able to see the mountains because the smog has lifted up a bit. Boy are they pretty! Tomorrow, we will be skiing on a slope called El Colorado, which is very funny to me, because we have a Colorado too. We are going to be taking a beginner's ski class while we are there to help us out. Melissa has never gone skiing before, and I haven't skiied since my sophomore year of high school and that was the only time I'd ever done it. I am excited about going, but we have to get up super-early -blah! Then tomorrow night we will probably go out with our families since it will be our last night here! Crazy! Then, I plan to sleep in Saturday, pack my suitcase, and possibly do a couple more touristic things in Santiago, then eat lunch and head to the airport!

My flight leaves at 8:40 in the evening, and then lands in Atlanta a little after 6 in the morning the next day. Then, I will fly from there to St. Louis where Mykl is picking me up! Mom has promised me a fried chicken dinner Sunday evening, which I am very much looking forward to. I love fried chicken - yum! I have been craving cashew chicken and Lambert's and sweet tea too. Oh, and sun! My skin needs to see some sun because I am WHITE!

Well, I am not sure if I will be able to write again until I get back (for a recap), so don't expect entries for a few days. Thanks for reading - I hope it has been entertaining!


Anonymous said...

Whatever you do--This is not the time to break your leg in a skiing accident, but have fun!
Yes, it's going to be chicken dinner on Sunday, but I'm not giving out the address or time, because some of your coworkers at the library have expressed a desire to partake, and I don't have enough room in my electric skillet to cook for all:}
I can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

wow that is really funny "these are killing you" now i want a box ha ha jk but i think we might have fireworks and stuff when we eat the chicken so cant wait to see my big Christmas tree
love your great little sis

pjacobs51 said...

Well, since you did so good in school, I guess you can bring home some ice cream, "Muy Bueno" for sure :D

That's funny that they know about The Simpsons in Chili, and the good ole' generic Springfields, 34 in the U.S. 1 in Kenya too (I think)

Have fun skiing, don't they ski uphill since it's on the bottom of the planet? Sounds like fun, but you may need to drink some Red Bull first.

Happy flying this time :) :) :)
See you soon.

Love ya

Anonymous said...

Hola Alli!

Your dad's comment makes me laugh... we could have skiied uphill if we'd used the other lift. lol! Well, I've officially read all of your blog and reminised about our trip to Chi-Chi-Chi-Le-Le-Le. I'm already missing it and wishing I was back there. I got mail from you while I was gone. ;) Miss seeing you and thanks for breaking my unicycle!
